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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Me & mY SiMpLe ConTeSt ! ™

CoMe oN !
JoIn mY CoNtEst !                          
jUsT FoR HaPpy !
HaDiAhNya tAk sPeCiAl Pon !

hAdIaH : sImPlE BuT UniQuE KOT*

CoNtEsT ThaT U ShOuLd JoIN :

*FoLLoWerS kE 20 , 40 , 50 , 100
*bLoG PaLiNg cAnTiK yG sAyA LaWAti
*CoMmEnTeRS tErBaNyAk dI BlOg sAyA
*BlOg pALiNg cErIa yG SAYa lAwaTI

CoNtOh hAdIaH :


mY FaVoUrItE sOnG NoW ™

aKu bOlEh nAnGiS KaLaU haYaTi lAGu ni beTu2..
sEDIh tAu..
HuHuHU !
                                                    'RiNDu sEtEnGaH MaTi-D' MaSiV'

LoVe & SaVe oUr eARtH ! ™

SePErTi sEkArAnG..
bAnYaK KeJaDiAn bUrUk tElAh BeRlAku..
jEpUn gEmpA BuMi PaStU RaDiAsI..
kItA MeStI AmBiL LaNgKaH BeJaGa2..
DaN PeLiHaRa bUmI sEbAiK mUnGkIN..
bUmI JuGa aDa RaGaMnYa..
SaMa sEpErTi mAnUsIa..
BiLa2 SaHaJa iA BoLeH..'
gEmPa bUmI,tSuNaMi,RaDIaSi,BaNjIR..
kItA Je yG tAK TaHu..
So..kItA MeStI MuLaKaN DaRi sEkArAnG LaGi..
JoM RaMaI RaMaI SeLaMaTkAn bUmI k?
ByE !

NeW sChOol , nEw pErSoN , NeW LiFe ! ™


ThIs eDiTiOn Is oRiGiNaLly mAdE By : AiNa fYqA

PeLiK ? ™

 PeLik ..
 McM MaNa aKu bOleH SuKa kAt dIa ?
 AsYiK RiNdU Je nK TeNgOk MuKa dIa..
 PaDaHaL DuLu NaMa dIa TaK dE dAh dLm HaTi aKu..
 MCm maNa mUnCuL BaLik..
 iSh ..
 tApI AKu RASa LeBiH bAiK aKu KaWAN jE NgAn .DiA..
 TaK ElOK cInTA / cOuPlE2..
 bUaT MaSA nI..

~ILY~     ~IMY~



ThE CuTe sToRy ! ™

Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the trees. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples that are on the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think there is something wrong with them, when, in reality, they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.

In LoVe bAbE !

ReUnIon ! !

ApA CiTe ReuNiOn Ni?
SeKeJaP rABu , sEkEjAp khAmIs..
ApA KaTa nExT WeEk jE KaN SnG..
rAmAi JgK Yg free..
nI TaK SeKeJaP Ni tAk dE..
SeKeJap tU tAk dE ApA CiTeR..
pAsTu tEmPaT PuLaK..
DeCiDe BeTUl2 kOt bArU LaNcAr ReUnIoN..
aKu cAdAnGkAn kOrG PiLiH SaLaH SaTU TeMpAt nI..
kLcC ?
tImEs sQuRe ?
AmPaNg pOiNT ?
mId vAlLeY ?
pAviLLiON ?
SaTu kL ?
pILIh lAh sUkA HaTi korAnG..
AkU X KeSah..
jAnJi JuMpA..
bEtUl X ??
PaStU KaLaU BoleH ..
tEmPaT Yg KoRaNg pILIH Tu...
SeMuA MAmPu pERGI..TaU..
oK bYe..

~LeAvE A CoMmeNt pLEaSE~
pLEasE !

Monday, May 30, 2011

WaTcH ThIs ! ™

                   WaTcH ThIs mOviE !          
                   'DiArY Of wImPy a kId '
                       bEsT GiLa kOT ..
       TaPi aKu bArU TeNgOk yG FiRsT..
                     yAnG KeDuA BeLuM ..
                    seBaB BaRu kElUaR..
                 mMG LaH BElUm tEnGoK..
                      Ni sInOpSiS CeRiTa tU..
      tAk sIlAp aKu dIA bErDaSaRkAn nOvEl..
                           lAYaN TaU..
DiArY Of wImPy kId (also known as Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Greg Heffley's Journal or Diary of a Wimpy Kid: A Novel in Cartoons) is a realistic fiction novel written by American author Jeff Kinney. It is the first book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, being released on April 1, 2007.[1]However, a slightly different version of the book was originally published online at in 2004. [2] A movie of the same name was released on March 19, 2010. It stars Zachary Gordon as Greg Heffley and Robert Capron as Rowley Jefferson.
Gregory Heffley receives a diary from his mother, which he refers to as a journal and in it records his first year of middle school. The book begins with an introduction where Greg explains "the cheese touch". It is very similar to the cooties, only more intense. Greg writes that a student named Darren Walsh touched "the cheese" an old, moldy piece of cheese on the schoolyard with his finger thus becoming an outcast. The cheese touch is then passed around the school.
They end up being chased by some teenagers they taunted all the way to Greg's grandmother's house. They then get soaked by a trashcan full of water by Greg's father who mistakes them for teenagers. Christmas does not get much better for Greg and he becomes jealous when he sees his younger brother Manny get everything he wanted. Meanwhile Greg ends up with a weight lifting set his dad got him along with socks and books. His uncle got Greg a picture for Christmas. Rowley gets the video game that Greg wanted. Greg also created the comic "Zoo-Wee Mama," which he gets bored of and abandons to allow Rowley to start drawing. Near the end of the school year "Zoo Wee Mama" is published in the school's newspaper. Rowley gives no credit to Greg as the creator of the comic which causes Greg to be very envious. The two prepare to fight on the school grounds when they are interrupted by the teenagers who ambushed them on Halloween.
                      BeSt !.....
    PeGi LaH tEnGoK KaT PaNgGUnG !
        bArU SyOk bEb..

* 1 2 3 aCtIoN ! ™

JuSt wAlKiNg,
jUsT KiDdInG & ....
HUhuhU ~ ~ 
tEsTiNg ..
PeAcE Yo !!